Sunday, December 08, 2013

New Spanish Infantry with an ink wash

As promised, here are the new Spanish Infantry after an ink wash to bring out the details. I'll be painting these beauties up for the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. I hope you like them.
The figures can be purchased directly from our webstore here:  


  1. Very, very cool! Could these also be used for Napoleonic Spain or are the uniforms different (I apologize in advance for my almost complete ignorance of the South American Wars of Independence)?

    1. Thanks Curt. Yes, you could use them for some newly raised Spanish units for the Peninsular War from 1809-1812, or a better fit would be regular Spanish or French Infantry fighting just in their waistcoats (especially due to the heat in Spain). Perry's recently released French just in waistcoats in their 40mm range.
